Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Featuring Meeee!!!!

First Love and I first met Meeee!!!! while at an event First Love had thrown. While there she told us of her love troubles, all while shedding tears. A girl with a broken heart is a sad sight to see, so we decided to start up a little section called Love Connections! For all your Pico dating needs!
Such a sad but pretty face!

Meeee!!!!'s age is concealed, what an enigma she is. She enjoys reading and watching shows such as Family Guy and the like. She's looking for a Pico who will treat her right, share their innermost thoughts and dreams while watching the ducks at Park Pond or stargazing at one of the many parks. Someone with a nice sense of humor, and an even nicer charm. Is this you? Could you be the Pico to sweep little miss Meeee!!!! off of her feet? Take her out for a nice cup of coffee or relaxing tea, or even go all out on a trip to the Chinese Diner, chat her up, and love just might be in the air tonight.


  1. Family Guy, Coffee, and Chinese food are all amazing =P

  2. Heh I have almost no idea what you're talking about, but somehow those pictures make me chuckle. :P Keep it up!

  3. Is this a game? If so, please give a link to it, looks fairly... Interesting to play. I'm guessing something like Second Life?

  4. @Shakin Hatian
    Yes, it's kind of like Second Life, but it's browser based. You can add it on facebook (http://apps.facebook.com/amebapico/) so that you can receive Gifts from other users or access it at http://pico.ameba.net/

  5. Well I'm interested in knowing a little bit more...can't wait

  6. haha cuteeee! but im not a huge fan of facebook games :(

  7. I second what a few other people were saying, I tried to follow along but didn't really understand what I was reading at all, however, it kinda made me laugh, not sure why...

  8. @EdwardPrinceofWales
    It's Pico! It can be added on either facebook or accessed directly over at http://pico.ameba.net/
